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Nurturing Respiratory Health: The Role of Pranayama Amid Indoor Challenges by Adam Flores, CCPA, LMT, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500

As homes are filled with the captivating scents of scented candles, the importance of addressing potential health hazards related to indoor air pollution becomes increasingly crucial. This concern is especially relevant for individuals dealing with neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's, as they already face respiratory challenges due to heightened rigidity and spasms in the body. The production of scented candles, often containing harmful chemicals, contributes to indoor air pollution, posing a threat to respiratory well-being.

In this context, the practice of pranayama emerges as a valuable tool in promoting respiratory health and mitigating the effects of indoor pollution. Pranayama, a yogic breathing exercise, offers a holistic approach to supporting lung function and overall well-being. By incorporating pranayama into their daily routines, individuals can strengthen their respiratory systems and counteract the impact of indoor air pollutants, creating a healthier living environment.

Moreover, the judicious use of pure essential oils provides a natural and beneficial alternative to synthetic fragrances. Certain essential oils, such as lavender and eucalyptus, have demonstrated potential health benefits, including relaxation facilitation, improved breathing, and mood enhancement. Notably, some essential oils may even support increased dopamine production, contributing to body relaxation and improvements in breathing and mood.

It's crucial to acknowledge that not all scents are equal, as many commercially available scented products, including candles, contain synthetic fragrances that can trigger inflammatory responses and worsen respiratory issues. Therefore, selecting products made with pure essential oils and using them mindfully can prevent overwhelming indoor spaces with volatile compounds, contributing to a healthier indoor environment.

In conclusion, the integration of pranayama and the thoughtful use of pure essential oils are essential steps in nurturing respiratory health and mitigating the adverse effects of indoor pollution. By embracing these natural interventions, individuals can create a sanctuary within their homes, safeguarding their well-being amidst the allure of scents, without being confined to any specific season.

Explore more about the science behind scented candles and their potential dangers in this research article:


Join us every second Tuesday of the month as Aum Home Shala offers a special class on Pranayama for respiratory well-being, in partnership with the Parkinson’s Foundation. Free classes focusing on yoga therapy for Parkinson’s Symptoms are available every Tuesday via Zoom at 4:30 pm.

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