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Supporting Digestive Health: The Therapeutic Role of Yoga for Individuals with Parkinson’s by Adam Flores, CCPA, LMT, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500

Individuals with Parkinsons disease and its associated symptoms often encounter unique challenges related to maintaining healthy digestion. Digestive issues are prevalent in Parkinsons, typically associated with the slowed movement of the gastrointestinal tract and medication side effects. However, incorporating yoga therapy into one's routine can provide a valuable means of supporting digestive health and overall well-being.

Yoga therapy, characterized by its focus on movement, breathing techniques, and mindfulness, plays a pivotal role in promoting healthy digestion for individuals with Parkinsons. The gentle and deliberate movements of yoga stimulate the digestive system, alleviate constipation, and enhance overall gut motility, offering relief from common digestive concerns.

Specific yoga poses, such as gentle twists, forward bends, and abdominal breathing exercises, contribute to easing digestive discomfort and facilitating a more efficient digestive process. These poses encourage the release of tension in the abdomen, promote peristalsis, and support the natural movement of food through the digestive tract.

Apart from the physical aspects, the meditative and relaxation components of yoga therapy contribute to improved digestive function. Stress and anxiety, which individuals with Parkinsons may experience irrespective of the holiday season, can adversely affect digestion. However, yoga's emphasis on relaxation, deep breathing, and mindfulness can help reduce stress levels and create a more harmonious internal environment, positively impacting digestion.

Beyond the immediate benefits, yoga therapy fosters a sense of empowerment and connectedness for individuals with Parkinsons. It provides a supportive avenue for engaging in gentle, yet meaningful, physical activity, offering a sense of control and well-being amidst the challenges of managing the disease.

In conclusion, incorporating yoga therapy can be a transformative and supportive practice for individuals with Parkinsons, providing ongoing benefits beyond the context of specific seasons. By embracing the therapeutic potential of yoga, individuals can nurture their digestive health, alleviate discomfort, and foster a greater sense of well-being. Through mindful movement, breathing practices, and relaxation techniques, yoga offers a holistic approach to supporting digestive health for those with Parkinsons.

To explore further insights into how yoga therapy can positively impact digestion and sleep, consider reading this article:


Join us regularly as Aum Home Shala offers special classes on Yoga Therapy for Digestion and Parkinsons Symptoms. Free classes on yoga therapy for Parkinsons Symptoms are offered every Tuesday via Zoom at 4:30 pm (EST).

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